Long Wharf Theatre Wins Three Connecticut Critics Circle Awards

August 1, 2024 Kelly Brown

Managing Director, Kit Ingui, receives the award for Best Play at the Connecticut Critics Circle Awards.

Kit Ingui with members of the cast and creative team for A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE with awards.

You-shin Chen’s award for Outstanding Set Design for A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE.

Kit Ingui, Managing Director, and Rachel Alderman, Associate Artistic Director at the CT Critics Circle Awards.

Long Wharf Theatre is elated to have won three Connecticut Critics Circle Awards for our fresh take on Arthur Miller’s A VIEW FROM THE BRIDGE in the 2023-24 Season. You-shin Chen won for Outstanding Set Design, James Dean Palmer was honored with Best Director of a Play, and Long Wharf received the highest award of the night, Outstanding Play.

Read the article in BroadwayWorld here.

Read Kit Ingui’s acceptance speech below:

I am honored to accept this award on behalf of the board and staff of LWT.
This show was produced in partnership with Doug Denoff and Myah Shein,
who connected us with a core group of four artists committed to helping us
bring an incredible theatrical experience to the greater New Haven
community; without their belief in our new model, we would not be here
today. This production needed EVERY. SINGLE. PERSON. involved!

It needed the powerful performances of our acting nominees Dominic and
Annie and Paten and Antonio, not to mention the wonderful Mark Junek and
Patricia Black and Mike Boland and Todd Cerveris;

It needed the creative expertise of Kate and Risa and Jane and You-Shin and
Matthew and Chris Felix and Unkle Dave’s Fight House and Ashley Malafronte
and Julie Foh and tbd casting, and our BRILLIANT stage managers, Jenny and
Ryan, and our incredible technical supervisors Mikey and Lane and Jamie and
Liam, and the kick-ass crew of Ariana and JCam and Olga and Nick and

It needed the GENIUS of our director James Palmer weaving the whole
tapestry together with warmth and generosity and deep creativity…GET IN A
REHEARSAL ROOM WITH THIS HUMAN, your theater will be better for it!
It needed the partnership of the City of New Haven in hosting us at the Canal
Dock Boathouse and giving life to James and Jacob’s vision of A View from
the Bridge in the shadow of the Q Bridge.

And finally, it needed the out-of-this-world staff of Long Wharf Theatre,
especially our Associate Artistic Director, Rachel Alderman, and our Director
of Production, Nicole Bouclier. This team produces incredible theatrical
experiences while never losing sight of the human beings at the center of the
process. We are on a wild journey of bringing our nearly 60 year old theatre
to the many corners of our community, and we could not do it without them.

Thanks to the Connecticut Critics Circle for this awesome honor! At Long
Wharf, we believe great art comes from great relationships, and we are
grateful to each relationship that made this show possible.